
Xenith Consulting Limited.

Delivering Value

XCL was formed by Salim Badakhchani, in 2005, as a vehicle to expand operations overseas to compliment and diversify an existing domestic portfolio. Since then XCL has gone on to assist a global clientèle realise the full potential of technology. Our emphasis has always been on customer satisfaction and delivering value.

We leverage the experience and expertise of our people to help our customers achieve the transformation they desire. At XCL we aim maximise our clients techincal capabilities so they can do more with less.

Experience and Expertise

From world class and top tier banking establishments, telecommunications companies, academic institutions and enterprise software vendors, XCL has maintained a reputation for excellence in an increasingly competive and dynamnic market.

Everything starts with an idea. Having a clear vision and a commitment to realise ideas is critical to success. At XCL we can help evaluate and articulate complex techincal propositions to executives, investors and other stake holders to encourage buy in.

Identifying the right method and approach for your business, which compliments your working culture, can boost productivity and quality simultainiously.

Digital Transformation

Together with our associates we have developed tried and tested practices to maximise project success. From talent aquisition and training, software development and engineering, product definition and vendor selection. We can assist you with your project at every phase of its delivery.

Trust us to help you get the job done.


Building infrastructure as code and using microservices architecture to deliver quality applications at scale is our business.
